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Identifying changed files containing a specific property

From: Don Smith <Don.Smith_at_novell.com>
Date: 2005-01-06 17:05:21 CET

I need to identify all files that have a specific property that have
changed between specific revisions of the repository. This is to
identify all files that require localization (L10N) which have changed
since a specific revision, so they can be sent back to the translators.
I put a property on each file that requires translation, L10N. The end
goal is to write an Ant script that will generate an archive of the
files to be sent to the translators.
So far I've come up with this bash script:
svn diff -r1:23 | grep +++ | cut -c 5- | cut -f 1 | while read f
    echo 'Processing file ' $f
    X="$(/usr/bin/svn propget L10N $f)"
    if [ "$X" = "true" ]; then
        echo 'L10N file'

This gets a list of all the files that have changed (the diff plus grep
and cut commands), then for each file gets the value of the L10N
property. If the value is true, I know it's a file that requires
translation, and it has changed.
I have also considered using "svnlook changed" to generate my list of
files, but the output is a little less friendly for processing.
Does anyone have any suggestions for better, more efficient ways to do
Received on Thu Jan 6 17:08:46 2005

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