Robert Swarbrick wrote:
> I've tried this (admittedly using the svnserve not http), and I still
> get the log information.
> Could you let us know what working copy directory you were in when you
> did "svn copy"?
> Some other information:
> Are you using svn's command line or a shell integration such as
> TortoiseSVN? I know the latter (which I use) will get the last 100 log
> lines by default, so if your repository sees a lot of activity there may
> be nothing visible unless the "get all" button is pressed.
> Unless there's a pressing reason (like I've a specially constructed
> working copy) I'd always do a copy serverside, like
> svn copy
> [I've taken a guess at what your repository location may be based on the
> email]
I've been doing exactly that, although through TortoiseSVN's Repo-man.
(Sorry, just hadda plug that film.) However, I went back and looked at
the logs (again, from Repo-Browse) for my tags, and the only log entry
is the one I made when creating the tag (e.g., "Tagged rev 1.26"). I
did press the "get all" button and still saw only that one log message.
(Probably a question for the TortoiseSVN list...) Is this what
TortoiseSVN's "Branch/Tag" feature does?
What's the best way to fix this? I suppose I'll have to determine what
revision corresponds to each tag, check out that revision, then use
"Branch/Tag" to actually create the tag?
Or maybe nothing's wrong. I can't test it right now (no access to the
repository) but maybe when I check out the tag, it pulls all of the log
entries for all of the files in the tag?
Sorry for all the newbie musing. I'm a hardware guy who has always
believed in the idea of revision control, but past experiences (um,
CVS?) have been frustrating. Subversions is easy enough for even a
hardware engineer to use!
Andy Peters
Tucson, AZ
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Received on Tue Jan 4 18:27:54 2005