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Hook scripts vs Hook intepreter

From: Henderson, Michael D <michael.d.henderson_at_lmco.com>
Date: 2004-11-24 21:19:46 CET

I'd like to extend hooks a bit by embedding an interpreter in svnserve. Maybe I'm looking at solving a problem that doesn't exist, but doing so would allow the server to run a script internally rather than shelling out to a script every time.

I'm looking at using lua or ferite for the interpreter. lua's small and fast. ferite is fun. I'm also comfortable with both. lua can pre-parse a script, which helps on repeated calls.

Is this something that *should* be done? I don't see a lot (read "no one") clamoring for such a feature. Most of the functionality of hooks I've seen could easily be handled without calling the shell. For those that couldn't, hook scripts could still be called.

Plus, the interpreted scripts would be portable to other operating systems. The problem that originally got me to thinking about this was ACLs. It looks to be easy (and fast) to run an interpreted script to check and enforce permissions. Plus, as a script, a replacement system could be dropped in without recompiling if the interface was identical.

Would there be a performance hit that I'm not seeing?

I don't use svn over Apache, so I haven't given any thought to mod svn. Is there a place/way to put in a change like this so that both could share?


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Sir Arthur: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly. I know my mistakes inside out.

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Received on Wed Nov 24 21:24:50 2004

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