Carl Brewer wrote:
> I'm in the process of moving a lot of older boxes (lots of
> old RedHat) to SVN from CVS, and I was wondering if
> it's easily doable to build a svn client (just the svn binary)
> and not all the other admin and server parts, with some
> easy to recognise switch in configure? I don't need or
> want to build mod_dav_svn, or any of the svnadmin etc
> on my machines that are only ever going to be clients. I
> know I can hand-hack makefiles etc, but is there (I couldn't
> see one with a quick look) ./configure --just-client sort of
> option? (subversion 1.1.1)
> Any suggestions?
Just build normally and don't install the bits you don't want.
Doing so won't introduce any extra dependencies - not having apache dev
stuff available will just result in mod_dav_svn not being built.
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Received on Mon Nov 22 12:58:31 2004