Kibets Alexander wrote:
>Здравствуйте, Branko.
>Вы писали 15 листопада 2004 р., 13:03:52:
>BC> Kibets Alexander wrote:
>>>. IMPORT file in repos. (ERROR!)
>>>Copy file in D:\333 (copy C:\rrr.txt D:\333)
>>>D:\>svn import D:\333 http://svn.local/test1/xxx --message xxxx
>>>svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/test1/xxx/rrr.txt'
>>>Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
>BC> Why on earth are you using "svn import" inside a working copy? You
>BC> should use "svn add" and "svn commit".
>So the ERROR too comes back !!
>Login: test
>Passwd: test
>Please create a directory and then add in it{her} a file....
>Will see the message on a error!
>Though if to execute checkout folders - error will not be!
C:\home\brane\scratch>svn checkout --username=test --password=test
A test3\zzzz
Checked out revision 3.
C:\home\brane\scratch>cd test3
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3>svn mkdir xxxx
A xxxx
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3>cd xxxx
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3\xxxx>echo foo > foo.txt
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3\xxxx>svn add foo.txt
A foo.txt
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3\xxxx>cd ..
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3>svn status
A xxxx
A xxxx\foo.txt
C:\home\brane\scratch\test3>svn commit --message "created xxxx\foo.txt" --username=test
Adding xxxx
Adding xxxx\foo.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 4.
It seems to work fine. But maybe you did something different, so it
would be best if you attach a transcript (like above) to your mail,
showing exactly which commands you used and what the output was.
-- Brane
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Received on Mon Nov 15 15:43:32 2004