RE: svn log "hangs"
From: Ray Johnson <>
Date: 2004-11-05 03:17:33 CET
Just to show I'm not exaggerating - I timed the "svn log" for a file: it took 5 minutes and 2 seconds.
The file in question had only 9 revisions. Also, the file was never "copied" from a different part of the repository. So it seems a little crazy that it would take that long!
We might be able to do the 'SVNPathAuthz off' "fix" - but we really don't want to. Kind of nutty that a "security fix" would cause someone to want to turn off security...
Seems to me like some optimizations could be made in mod_dav_svn. For example, if the path doesn't change in any of the revisions why is the security constantly rechecked? Obviously, I don't know how mod_dav_svn is implemented but something can't be right...
-----Original Message-----
On Nov 4, 2004, at 6:17 PM, Ray Johnson wrote:
Apache + svn 1.1.0 has some performance problems now, specifically because of the new security fixes. 'svn log' takes about 2-3x longer to run now, and 'svn ls' was even worse. (Again: we're talking about mod_dav_svn here, not svnserve.)
svn 1.1.1 fixes the 'svn ls' problem, but there's no known way to make 'svn log' fast again. The only thing you can do is forgo all path-based authorization; if you're willing to disable mod_authz_svn, then setting 'SVNPathAuthz off' in svn 1.1.1 will make everything the same speed it was in 1.0.
Hope this helps. 'svn log' shouldn't take several minutes -- that seems highly exaggerated. Though, maybe it's not totally surprising.
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