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Operational restrictions in svn?

From: Steve Cramer <Steve.Cramer_at_mssgroup.com>
Date: 2004-11-04 23:45:32 CET

Hello, all!
I'm planning to use Subversion as our source control solution, and I'd
like to limit authority to perform certain types of operations, such as
branch merges, branch creation, etc., to either a central sys admin or
to specific development team or tech leads. Ideally, this would be
accomplished through some mechanism that would examine the specific
operation requested and compare it to an ACL or similar. Looking
through the docs, it appears that there's no direct way to accomplish
this, however.
In the absence of this direct mechanism, limiting access to create
branches can be accomplished (to some degree) by limiting access to the
branches directory, while opening access underneath specific branch
directories to enable developers to actually develop on branches. (This
is incomplete, though, as there's nothing preventing a developer from
executing an svn copy to target another directory to which they _do_
have write access.)
However, since a branch merge is an operation that modifies only the
working copy, and the actual repository-modifying action is a plain-old
commit, I haven't been able to come up with a workaround.
Has anybody else tried to implement these sorts of operational
restrictions with Subversion? Any thoughts on possible solutions?
Thanks in advance!
Received on Thu Nov 4 23:46:02 2004

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