Same code in multiple repositories? (was: Re: svncopy)
From: Karan, Cem \(Civ, ARL/CISD\) <>
Date: 2004-11-04 20:34:24 CET
> -----Original Message-----
Just an idle question; is it possible to check-in the same code into multiple different repositories? E.g. set up repositories A, B, and C, then check in the same code into each repository AND have all of the 'svn' commands update EACH repository?
The reason I'm thinking about this is for 'libraries'; not real libraries, but those code bases that seem to find their way into everything, but that you never quite seem to bother turning into a real library. I've got some lying around that, if changed, may break several older projects. Unfortunately, I tend to change them on a regular basis (like when I find a feature is actually a bug). Ideally, I could create working repositories for each of those projects that include the library code. If I change the code, then when I do a commit on the library, it just makes a new revision for those projects. If I break something, then I can roll back to an earlier version of the project.
I know that many of you might tell me to make that code a real library, and to put it in its own repository, but then I need to keep track of which revision of the code worked with a particular revision of each project; that's not ideal, and I'd rather go with the option above.
Alternatively, I could create a single repository and stick ALL of my code in there, but it feels cleaner to me to have different repositories for different projects (also makes the repositories small enough that I can burn CD backups; putting ALL of the code + resources in one repository would be painful to backup)
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