Re: Lock-Modify-Unlock vs Copy-Modify-Merge
From: Marcus Sundman <>
Date: 2004-10-11 19:33:31 CEST
I'm jumping in here in the middle of the discussion. If my comments happen
> -If you have binaries in your repos that are generated by humans then
The "text vs. binary" distinction isn't really real. It's all binary in one
> -If an acceptable amount of the files in your repos are merge-able, then
The keyword here is "can".
> Copy-Modify-Merge requires a merge, in the case of text files (code)
No, it isn't necessarily trivial. Even when an automatic merge is possible
E.g. consider two people fixing an infinite loop ('+'=added line):
Patch 1:
Patch 2:
The result of an automatic merge:
In practice Copy-Modify-Merge works more often than not. However, that is
Meanwhile, I'd say that LMU is way, way safer when you have a large team and
- Marcus Sundman
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