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user restricted file access

From: bruce <bedouglas_at_earthlink.net>
Date: 2004-08-26 17:09:32 CEST


in trying to get my hands around the issue of restricting access to a user
for a given dir/file. i've pretty well convinced myself that the 'real' soln
has to be within the svnserve itself.

(i had initially thought it might be possible to create some sort of client
sv/tortoiseSvn mods that might check some other system to see if the user
should have access, but quickly dismissed a client based soln...)

it also doesn't appear that the 'hook' approach is sufficient in it's
current state.

i'm inclined to believe that a soln to this issue would be one that allows
svn/svnserve to function as it normally does, or one that allows a user to
implement their own user/access strategy as a 'switch'/addon.

i envision some sort of switch that accepts a usernam, where the app could
then determine if the user should be able to access a given dir/file. if
this were implemented as a 'hook', the user could implement their own
strategy within the 'hook'. a valid access would/could return information to
the client as normal. if the user doesn't have access, the 'hook' might
return 'access denied'...

the idea would be to ensure that the strategy/approach used to determine
user access is separate/removed from the basic subversion model.

does anyone have any idea as to whether cvs allows for user based dir/file
access, and if it does, how it's implemented....

thanks for any opinions/thoughts/etc...


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Received on Thu Aug 26 17:06:19 2004

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