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Checkins without prior checkout avoiding WC?

From: Peter Valdemar Mørch <swp5jhu02_at_sneakemail.com>
Date: 2004-08-20 10:35:41 CEST

Is it even possible? I can import, cp, mv, and rm without a WC, but not
ci, it seems. If it isn't possible, is that because of an implementation
or policy decision?

Also, /trunk/notes/locking-design.txt contains:
> 'svn lock' returns a lock-token to the client, then stored in the WC.

Could I humbly request that "locking" and "unlocking", when available,
also become possible without a WC?

Before anyone screems "You want to do *WHAT*?" - please bear with me:

I'm not really against a WC, it just doesn't buy me anything in the case
of the read/write web-client I'm adding to WebSVN, because the svn
client and the WC are located on the web server, and not at the
end-user, the web-client.

One of the purposes of the WC is to detect conflicts, but since the
editing is done on the *web* client and then the document is
resubmitted, we have no idea what version the user really started with
and so there is no svn conflict detection anyway. Might as well get rid
of the WC directory altogether if possible as it does nothing for us.

Exclusive locks (1.2?) is what we need for a web interface, as far as I
can see.

It may be that providing ci and locks without working copies is a big
deal in the implementation - fair enough - I'll just use a dummy WC, but
if it is a policy decision, and not an implementation decision, I humbly
submit that here is a use-case where a working-copy makes no sense and
buys nobody anything.

I guess it would be fair to require that if checkouts are to happen
without a working copy, then a lock is required (>=1.2). So that one
could operate completely without a WC if locks are used.

If my reasoning is muddy, please enlighten me!



Peter Valdemar Mørch
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Received on Fri Aug 20 10:36:07 2004

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