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Re: Automatic pretty-print

From: Alan Jay Weiner <alan_at_ajw.com>
Date: 2004-08-19 17:45:54 CEST

There's been lots of comments about why pretty-printing *at* commit time is a
bad idea, including that it isn't permitted at all...

Why not allow the commit to occur, and the post-commit hook triggers a script
        sets a flag indicating pretty-print is occurring
        (creates a file named "pretty_print_active" or such...)
        updates a local working copy
        pretty-prints the files
        (just the changed ones if you want to detect that)
        commits the now-pretty-printed files
        (with a log message that they've been pretty-printed)
        deletes the flag

The pre-commit hook checks for the "pretty_print_active" flag and fails if it's

That way the developer commits their changes exactly as they've tested them, and
the repository is generally in pretty-printed form, and it's all automatic.

There's a window where the repo *isn't* pretty-printed of course, and there's
the issue of what if the pretty-print script dies leaving the "active" flag set,
but it sounds workable to me.

- Al -

-- original message --

>Hi all,
>I'm using subversion since no much time and I think it's great, much more than
>I would like to ask one question. I want all the source .c files in my
>repository to be well pretty-printed, all conforming a common C programming
>style. But the problem is that the programmers don't do the job well, they
>forget to follow the rules and so...
>The ideal think could be at the pre-commit hook execute the pretty printer for
>all the .c source files so that in the repository the files all are well
>stored. Also it would be desirable to check C syntax so all files that are in
>the repository complile all. But I've seen the comments on the pre-commit
>template hook and explicitly reports that the script must not change the
>transaction. So is there a way to transform (pretty-print) the source files
>before committing them?
>If this is not possible, it will be very nice to add it as a new feature :D,
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--  Alan Weiner  --  alan_at_ajw.com  --  http://www.ajw.com
Palm OS Certified Developer
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Received on Thu Aug 19 17:46:39 2004

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