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svnpath vs svnparent - permission conflict

From: Vijay Avarachen <vavarachen_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2004-08-18 20:31:37 CEST

     I have one folder (/repo/fea/projects) under which I have
multiple repositories. Some are accessible to everyone to view,but
restricted to particular group for commit and there are two
repositories that are restricted on view and commit to only two
specific users.
In my apache conf file I have one section that specifies the svnparent
(read to all, commit to only a particular ldap group for all
repositories under this parent folder - blanket rule):
<Location /fea/projects>
     DAV svn
     SVNParentPath /repo/fea/projects
          mod_ldap stuff
          require group OU=FEA/Advanced Engineering Groups,DC=company,DC=com

Then following it I have the following section restricting read and
commit to handful of users one a selected repositorie that sits under
the above mentioned parent folder:
<Location /fea/projects/proj1>
     DAV svn
     SVNPath /repo/fea/projects/proj1
          mod_ldap stuff
          require user joe.shmoe john.doe

I think there seems to be some sort of conflict with this setup
because I cannot commit to proj1 or read it. If I comment out
SVNParentPath section then I can read/write to the proj1 repository.
I tried placing the proj1 section before and after the general
SVNParentPath section but that didn't work. I don't want to have to
specify a section for each repo. I want to have a blanket permission
section like the SVNParentPath and then be able to specify handful of
repo's with very restricted permissions. Does anyone know what I am
doing wrong or is the only way around this issue to have one entry for
each repo?

Thank you,
Vijay Avarachen

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Received on Wed Aug 18 20:32:19 2004

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