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Re: Distinguish between OS when doing client-server operations

From: Leif Warland <leif.warland_at_sintef.no>
Date: 2004-08-18 09:41:30 CEST

"Toby Johnson" <toby@etjohnson.us> writes:

> That being said, what you're suggesting would be pretty
> unworkable. I'm assuming you're talking about having "svn checkout"
> simply not retrieve certain files based on a property. But that
> would create an incomplete working copy. What would "svn status"
> show on such a WC with respect to the missing files?

Something about ignored due to given property, OS or something along
the lines of 'I' in the first column (svn status -v).

> What would happen if someone on Unix added a file that existed in
> the repository but wasn't pulled down on their WC because it was
> marked "Windows-only"?

Without the knowledge of how it should be done a warning/error could
be given stating that adding is impossible due to conflict in
repository ("Windows-only" property), with the option of a forced
pulled down.

> Is there an underlying problem with having these files exist in
> working copies on the wrong platform? Maybe your problem could be
> solved some other way.

I guess this is the correct answer. It was an idea, and it was posted
to this mailing group without spending to much time on it.

Leif Warland
Adolescence, n.:
	The stage between puberty and adultery.
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Received on Wed Aug 18 09:42:08 2004

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