Hello Kyle,
Kyle Ferrio wrote:
> I have a recovery scenario. A repository is hosted on a disk which
> eventually dies. The svn admin is able to recover the repo (yeah!) but
> for whatever reason has to restore it at a different mount point.
> Meanwhile, one developer (at least) was working with multiple branches.
> He would like to use 'relocate' to point his working copy to the newly
> restored (and moved) repository. It would be nice if he could issue a
> single 'relocate' command to recursively patch up his working copy,
> honoring the branches to which he has switched. Is this possible? I
> seem to be missing something, because 'relocate' assumes that everything
> goes back into one branch -- for example, /trunk. So it seems he needs
> to walk through every branch in his working copy and relocate it
> individually to the correct branch in the rstored repository.
> What am I missing?
You must be using file:// access for this scenario, because if you were
using servers, you wouldn't have to change anything in the working copy
- just the server's config.
That being said, svn switch --relocate rewrites urls.
If svn info reported the following in two working copies:
URL: file:///server/svn/repos/project/trunk
URL: file:///server/svn/repos/project/branches/release-1.x
You can rewrite both with the following command:
svn switch --relocate file:///server/svn/repos \
Hope that helps !
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Received on Tue Aug 17 17:19:12 2004