On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 12:27, Ciaran Treanor wrote:
> > You *can* modify code as it's being committed, but doing so
> > is *very,very* unwise, because the committer's working copy will now be
> > out of sync with the actual commit contents, and this *will* cause
> > that committer problems.
> True. The problem I'm having is that developer1 checks code out. He doesn't
> like the formatting and reformats it using his preferences, makes some
> code changes and then commits his code.
> Meanwhile, developer2 makes some changes to the same code and trys to
> commits but gets a whole load of merge conflicts because developer1
> changed the formatting and committed the file.
> I'm trying to see if there are ways around this. Any ideas (other than
> using a big stick!)?
You could try enforcing a single formatting style in a pre-commit hook.
If incoming changes don't pass some style-checker, reject the commit.
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Received on Wed Aug 11 19:32:48 2004