I just did an svn merge to merge some changes from trunk to my branch.
A file conflicted (which isn't terribly surprising). I used FileMerge
to open the conflict files and FileMerge told me there were 0
conflicts. Upon examining the left, right, and working files around the
area of conflict in the merge file I discovered it was indeed correct.
I then looked at the merge file and discovered something a bit
disturbing. Inside the so-called conflict it was missing some code.
Here's the code in the left file:
[_title drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( 55., 40. )
withAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSFont
boldSystemFontOfSize:13.], NSFontAttributeName, [NSColor
controlTextColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil]];
[_text drawInRect:NSMakeRect( 55., 10., 200., 30. )];
if( [_icon size].width > 32. || [_icon size].height > 32. ) { //
Assume a square image.
NSImageRep *sourceImageRep = [_icon bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
Here's the code in the right file:
[_title drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( 55., 40. )
withAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSFont
boldSystemFontOfSize:13.], NSFontAttributeName, [NSColor
controlTextColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil]];
[_text drawInRect:NSMakeRect( 55., 10., 200., 30. )];
NSSize iconSize = [_icon size];
if( iconSize.width > 32. || iconSize.height > 32. ) { // Assume a
square image.
NSRect newBounds = { { 0., 0. }, { 32., 32.} };
NSImageRep *sourceImageRep = [_icon bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
Here's the code in my working file:
[_title drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( 55., heightOffset - 15. )
withAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSFont
boldSystemFontOfSize:13.], NSFontAttributeName, [NSColor
controlTextColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil]];
[_text drawInRect:NSMakeRect( 55., 10., 200., heightOffset - 25. )];
if( [_icon size].width > 32. || [_icon size].height > 32. ) { //
Assume a square image.
NSImageRep *sourceImageRep = [_icon bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
So upon examination all that should change is the if statement along
with thew 2 variable declarations added. Here's the merge file:
<<<<<<< .working
[_title drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( 55., heightOffset - 15. )
withAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSFont
boldSystemFontOfSize:13.], NSFontAttributeName, [NSColor
controlTextColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil]];
[_text drawInRect:NSMakeRect( 55., 10., 200., heightOffset - 25. )];
if( [_icon size].width > 32. || [_icon size].height > 32. ) { //
Assume a square image.
NSSize iconSize = [_icon size];
if( iconSize.width > 32. || iconSize.height > 32. ) { // Assume a
square image.
NSRect newBounds = { { 0., 0. }, { 32., 32.} };
>>>>>>> .merge-right.r217
NSImageRep *sourceImageRep = [_icon bestRepresentationForDevice:nil];
If you look, the left side contains my working code and the right side
contains the "conflict", which if I decided I'd want to toss my working
code and use the "new" code I'd lose 2 drawing operations *which are
present in the left and right merge files* (although slightly
modified). This is very disturbing to me. If I didn't have FileMerge
and I Wasn't paying attention I could have easily lost code and not
known it.
Kevin Ballard
- application/pkcs7-signature attachment: smime.p7s
Received on Wed Aug 11 18:59:13 2004