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Re: is the svn protocol encrypted?

From: Martin Probst <mail_at_martin-probst.com>
Date: 2004-08-07 11:30:07 CEST

AFAIK if you only use svn:// it's not encrypted. There are two ways to
fix your problem, first one is to use Apache with mod_svn and mod_ssl.
Second one is for your users to use a ssh key agent.
The basic procedure is for the users to generate public/private key
pairs with ssh-keygen, append the public key of every user to the
.ssh/authorized_keys2 file and put "ssh-add" into your login script
(e.g. .bashrc or sth similar).
This will require them to enter their ssh password (for the key) once
when they log in and afterwards the ssh-agent will take care of login
etc. There are a couple of really good howtos about this, just do some

Looking at your other problems I'd recommend you take a look at using
Apache as a server for svn, this way you could solve several of your
problems at once (like multiple repos, simple paths to the repo etc.).


Am Sa, den 07.08.2004 schrieb Pep um 8:09:
> I am currently using subversion using the svn+ssh protocol because I want the
> data betweenthe server and client to be encrypted.
> There are complaints from the users to use only svn because they are tired of
> giving their passwords multiple times in a working session.
> So if I use just the svn:// protocol. is the data encrypted?
> TIA,
> Pep.
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Received on Sat Aug 7 11:30:52 2004

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