What's the proper way to change a filename's case on win32?
From: Roel Harbers <roel_at_roelharbers.nl>
Date: 2004-08-04 11:03:04 CEST
What is the proper way to *change* a filename's case when an incorrectly
example: renaming test.txt to TEST.TXT
I tried to rename it in my wc, but that doesn't work:
So, I tried to rename it in the repo, using the url:
But now win32 clients can't do an update:
deleting the file from the wc (using del) does not help:
(it restores the old one first)
doing an svn delete on the file doesn't help either:
The update seems to go fine, but I now have neither test.txt nor
Now I try to revert, to undo the delete of test.txt, and restore to it's
and I now have have TEST.TXT.tmp (0 bytes) in my wc.
Trying an update now gives the same "can't copy" error. svn status shows
A completely new checkout on all clients seems to be needed to fix it.
A workaround, although awkward, would be to renamed it first to a
Now, I understand the problem of having two files in the repo with
Is there a way to cleanly change the filename without requiring such
Roel Harbers
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