"Campbell, Matthew A" <Matthew.Campbell@Relizon.com> writes:
> Is there some way to customize the "welcome" message for the users@ list
> with a minimal "subversion users' jargon file"? I get the impression that a
> lot of new list users don't know the book exists, much less that it's online
> and free. Not everybody finds the links to the book from the tigris.org
> site for some reason.
Done, it now says:
Acknowledgment: I have added the address
to the users mailing list.
Welcome to users@subversion.tigris.org!
The Subversion home page is http://subversion.tigris.org/. We also
recommend these resources:
The FAQ: http://subversion.tigris.org/project_faq.html
The Book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
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Received on Fri Jul 30 20:54:12 2004