Ronny T. Lampert wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to ask if anybody has managed to build the swig-perl
> for svn under cygwin?
> I could not find any useful docs despite heavy searching and fiddling
> During the normal build, libtool is complaining that it can't link against
> static lib and bails out with unresolved symbols; it also seems that no
> dynamic libs are built.
> The configure-call was simply: ./configure --with-zlib --with-perl
> (Adding --enable-shared does not help.)
> The "make swig-pl-lib" runs, but doing the perl Makefile.PL in
> subversion/bindings/swig/perl/ fails with:
> "Channot chdir to ../../libsvn_client/.libs/: No such file or directory at
> Makefile.PL line 45."
I'm working on this, and have actually run a "svk sync" under Cygwin.
However, the difference between kludging a working build on my system and
getting it into a package is non-trivial.
There will be a subversion-perl and svk package for Cygwin. I'm cautious
about about giving a time estimate, but my tentative guess would be about 1
to 2 weeks after 1.1.0.
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Received on Fri Jul 30 17:33:12 2004