Re: log across copies?
From: Ben Collins-Sussman <>
Date: 2004-07-30 01:31:51 CEST
Rick LaBanca wrote:
> This will do, it's just not as easy as cvs because as you said, you see the
Sure, but this is part of the process of bug hunting anyway.
Suppose you see buggy behavior in /trunk/foo.c. You run 'svn log
What you're going to see is a list of *only* those commits in which your
So, you begin by running 'svn diff -r422:423 foo.c' to see the most
So you go back and look at the log message for r352. It might look
Merge r335 from the branch1 to trunk, which fixes issue #988.
Interesting... so even though 'joe' committed this changeset to /trunk,
Frobulate foo.c properly. This fixes issue #988.
So now you know that mary was the person who originally wrote the
Keep in mind, that there is *no* difference in the output of:
svn diff -r334:335 http://host/repos/branches/branch1
svn diff -r351:352 http://host/repos/trunk
You're examining the same changeset either way.
Does this example make the process clearer? I find this much more
What's missing from this process, that you wish you had?
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