Re: Re: log across copies?
From: <>
Date: 2004-07-29 21:34:49 CEST
> /branches/mybranch/foo.c is a different object from /trunk/foo.c. They
That may be true, but if you're saying they are disconnected such that somehow I can't see that they are realted, that's a loss from cvs. True in cvs they get disconnected when moved, but not when tags or branches are made.
And when the object eventually goes back to the trunk, it sounds like there will be a "hole" for all the branch changes?
So let me ask my question a different way. How can you audit all the changes that have gone on in a file if it's been copied and returned back to the trunk? I mean, one question I always have to ask in a repository is when was this line of code changed? How do you even know where all the copies of an object are/were?
> 'svn log' shows the history of the object you're asking about: that
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