I guess what "commercial" and "mission-critical" mean depend on your
point of view. The Apache Beehive project (which hasn't been around for
very long) uses Subversion, and down the road BEA intends to transition
much of the internal framework of their main commercial product towards
Beehive (which is not too surprising, as the initial source drop of
Beehive is based on that framework). Several BEA engineers are working
with Subversion as part of their assigned responsibilities (there's even
a project manager!). In addition, the Apache Struts project is
prototyping converting to Subversion, and will likely take that path.
Whether the project is "open-source" or "commercial" seems unrelated to
me. Both of these projects have huge commercial impacts.
Nevertheless, Subversion is still relatively new. A reasonable strategy
would be to implement a pilot project (not POC) with Subversion, and
possibly a different one with CVS. Their user interaction model is
almost identical (that was one of the goals of Subversion).
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren_Enns@cwb.ca [mailto:Darren_Enns@cwb.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 7:49 AM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Commercial Users of Subversion: LET ME KNOW
Hello, I am new to this list. I have been participating in a
'proof of concept' project to implement Subversion into our company's
computer environment.
Everything is going fine, and everyone involved is very
impressed with Subversion, except that we have hit a 'snag' in our plans
-- the 'conservative' nature of our company will probably refuse the
move to Subversion -- and pick 'CVS' instead -- since we don't want to
be the 'first guys on the block' that use Subversion for
mission-critical non-open-source project development.
I have till this Friday to look for evidence that there are
'commercial' users of Subversion that are using it for
'mission-critical' development and are happy with it. The
'testimonials' page on the Subversion website contains lots of good
'open source' users, but I need testimonials from 'commercial' users.
If you think you can help me, please let me know ASAP! I am
desperate! :)
Received on Wed Jul 21 17:04:54 2004