Garry Hill wrote:
>> I think disk corruption is *extremely* likely to be the cause of this.
>> If you like, post a tarball of your repository on a web/ftp site, and I
>> assess the damage, and repair it if possible.
> Thanks Max, you're a star, I've sent you a link off-list.
> Is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of "my db is corrupted" wails
> coming from us mac os x users? there's a concurrent thread with mine from
> Pejvan BEIGUI who is using the same system as me but with svn installed
> fink rather than darwin ports as i used. I dug a lot of info out of old
> threads that, as far as i remember, also tended to be mac os x users.
> is this an os thing? or is it more likely to be the rather peculiar
> conjunction of versions and patches used by the various package/port
> anyway, i'm concerned. fsfs here i come...
You are right, there do seem to a quite a few corrupt dbs coming from OS X
I haven't been keeping count to give exact statistics, though.
BDB 4.1 was known to be a recipe for disaster on OS X. Perhaps whatever OS X
specific bug was present in 4.1 hasn't been completely fixed in 4.2?
Regarding your specific repository:
Somehow, log.3, log.4 and transactions had been severely corrupted with what
appears to be random blocks of data from elsewhere on the disc. (other
tables were also slightly affected)
You were lucky, because only the transactions table was badly affected - if
the transactions table is destroyed but the others are intact, the only loss
of data are the revprops (i.e. log author and date).
You were doubly lucky, in that although the transactions table was badly
damaged, I was able to locate the uncorrupted data for each transaction skel
(the format of data svn uses within bdb) by viewing the db file in a text
editor, and doing copy/paste, thereby recovering all the data.
Interesting side-note to any svn developers who know the bdb schema, who are
reading this:
Despite being mainly uncorrupted, all but one of the tables with a next-key
row had that row reset to value "c".
Anyway, so, repository fully recovered, and fsfs seems like quite a good
idea for OS X users.
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Received on Fri Jul 16 22:46:13 2004