Roehl, Dan wrote:
>In my http.conf
>SSPIDomain <value>
>What should <value> be?
>I have tried:
>- The fully qual name of the domain controller itself
>- ip address of the controller
>- myDomain
I use only "myDomain", i.e. the part you see before the backslash when
logged in and you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL.
>None seem to work. Also placing the directive
>SSPIOmitDomain on
>In httpd hoses the service completely (won't even start).
Use the version of the SSPI module from this website: and try the "SSPIOmitDomain
On" again. Then get rid of the domain\ in your AuthZ file, leaving only
the username. You don't want that ugly "domain\user" in all your
logfiles anyway!
The password special char problem only happened to me with the Unix
client on HP-UX; I've never had problems on Windows so it's probably
something particular to that platform.
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Received on Tue Jul 13 01:08:18 2004