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Errors in make check

From: Samuel Jones <sdj1517_at_direcway.com>
Date: 2004-07-03 23:17:19 CEST

I have installed and have been using Subversion 1.0.5
on two SuSE Linux boxes. I just ran

   make check

and got errors on the 9.0 box. The tests just stopped on the 9.1 box.

------------------- SuSE 9.0 box -------------------------

autoprop tests failed:

sam@QUASAR:~/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5> uname -a
Linux QUASAR 2.4.21-231-default #1 Mon Jun 28 15:39:34 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386
sam@QUASAR:~/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5> make check
Running all tests in config-test...success
Running all tests in diff-diff3-test...success
Running all tests in hashdump-test...success
Running all tests in path-test...success
Running all tests in random-test...success
Running all tests in stream-test...success
Running all tests in string-test...success
Running all tests in time-test...success
Running all tests in translate-test...success
Running all tests in utf-test...success
Running all tests in target-test.py...success
Running all tests in run-fs-tests.py...success
Running all tests in run-repos-tests.py...success
Running all tests in getopt_tests.py...success
Running all tests in basic_tests.py...success
Running all tests in commit_tests.py...success
Running all tests in update_tests.py...success
Running all tests in switch_tests.py...success
Running all tests in prop_tests.py...success
Running all tests in schedule_tests.py...success
Running all tests in log_tests.py...success
Running all tests in copy_tests.py...success
Running all tests in diff_tests.py...success
Running all tests in export_tests.py...success
Running all tests in externals_tests.py...success
Running all tests in merge_tests.py...success
Running all tests in stat_tests.py...success
Running all tests in trans_tests.py...success
Running all tests in autoprop_tests.py...FAILURE
Running all tests in blame_tests.py...success
Running all tests in svnadmin_tests.py...success
Running all tests in svnlook_tests.py...success
Running all tests in svnversion_tests.py...success
At least one test FAILED, checking /home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/
FAIL: autoprop_tests.py 10: import: config=yes, commandline=yes
FAIL: autoprop_tests.py 11: import: config=no, commandline=no
FAIL: autoprop_tests.py 12: import: config=yes, commandline=no
FAIL: autoprop_tests.py 14: import directory
make: *** [check] Error 1


------------------- SuSE 9.1 box -------------------------

Test just terminated. Python was not in the ps list
any longer and the terminal woutld not respond.

sam@svnext:~> uname -a
Linux svnext 2.6.4-54.5-default #1 Fri May 7 21:43:10 UTC 2004 i686 athlon
i386 GNU/Linux


PASS: externals_tests.py 8: error if external target dir involves '.' or '..'
CMD: svnadmin "create" "repositories/externals_tests-9" "--bdb-txn-nosync"
<TIME = 0.457420>
CMD: svnadmin dump "local_tmp/repos" | svnadmin load "repositories/
externals_tests-9" <TIME = 0.006659>
CMD: svn "co" "--username" "jrandom" "--password" "rayjandom" "file:///home/
externals_tests-9" "working_copies/externals_tests-9" "--config-dir" "/home/
config" <TIME = 1.799322>
CMD: svn "checkout" "--username" "jrandom" "--password" "rayjandom" "file:///
repositories/externals_tests-9" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 2.098376>
CMD: svn "ci" "-m" "log msg" "--quiet" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.960028>
CMD: svn "ci" "-m" "log msg" "--quiet" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.868395>
CMD: svn "ci" "-m" "log msg" "--quiet" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.966811>
CMD: svn "ci" "-m" "log msg" "--quiet" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 1.146040>
CMD: svn "up" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init" "--config-dir" "/home/
config" <TIME = 1.039093>
CMD: svnadmin "create" "repositories/externals_tests-9.other"
"--bdb-txn-nosync" <TIME = 0.475038>
CMD: svnadmin dump "repositories/externals_tests-9" | svnadmin load
"repositories/externals_tests-9.other" <TIME = 0.021281>
CMD: svn "pset" "-F" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init/tmpVV2juA"
"svn:externals" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init/A/B" "--config-dir" "/
local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.056833>
CMD: svn "pset" "-F" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init/tmpVV2juA"
"svn:externals" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init/A/D" "--config-dir" "/
local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.056717>
CMD: svn "ci" "-m" "log msg" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 1.061188>
CMD: svn "status" "-v" "-u" "-q" "working_copies/externals_tests-9.init"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.272112>
CMD: svn "export" "--username" "jrandom" "--password" "rayjandom" "file:///
repositories/externals_tests-9" "working_copies/externals_tests-9"
"--config-dir" "/home/sam/svnbuild/subversion-1.0.5/subversion/tests/clients/
cmdline/local_tmp/config" <TIME = 0.578734>
PASS: externals_tests.py 9: test exports with externals
END: externals_tests.py

START: merge_tests.py

The whole test stopped here.

What should I do? I have been using both of these
machines. They seem to work OK. Should I ignore these?

A definitive answer would be greatly appreciated.

Sam Jones

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Received on Mon Jul 5 20:11:39 2004

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