Sean Spicer wrote:
> Okay, I've got another good question (I think):
> I'd like to insert the last checked-out revision number (that returned
> by svn status -u) as a string into a piece of code. So what I'd like
> to do is have
> // version.h
> const string REVISION_NUMBER = "$GlobalRev$"
> const string REVISION_LOCAL="$GlobalLocal$"
> Where global rev get's expanded to the latest global revision number
> when I checkout the code. Also the local is important (whether I'm on
> a trunk or a branch). So the expanded file might look like:
> // version.h
> const string REVISION_NUMBER="12452"
> const string
> REVISION_LOCAL="/home/sspicer/Project/branches/wxWindows_port
> Any ideas on what would be the best way to do this ?
Read about "svnversion" in the book.
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Received on Fri Jul 2 18:50:18 2004