On 2004-06-14 15:35:16 -0500, Ken Johnson wrote:
> "svn proplist" with no path arguments seems to be
> a no-op. "svn proplist *" tries to show properties
> for all files in the current directory, which outputs
> an error message and stops when it finds a file
> which is not under version control (like emacs
> backup files -- .py~, etc.)
> I can display the properties of files under version
> control with
> svn list | xargs -iXX svn proplist "XX"
> but I confess this was not the first thing I tried.
"svn proplist" with no args gets the proplist for the current directory.
If you would like to see the properties defined for every file and
directory in a working copy, try "svn proplist -R" This will recursively
descend into child directories as well. AFAIK there is no svn option to
get just the properties of files in the current directory
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Received on Mon Jun 14 22:48:27 2004