I have a backup script that runs on post-commit. If anyone wants to use it here you go.
I know there are a couple of flavours of these but this is the one I made.
wsf script (windows scripting file)
does full backups every 10^n (can't think of a better way to describe this)
- full @ 10, 100, 1000, 10000
does incremental backups every commit
- ten incremental backups at most
eg 275 rev => pack.000-099.bak.gz (full)
pack.100-199.bak.gz (incremental)
pack.200-275.bak.gz (incremental)
Ok, so it doesn't actually work yet. I was hoping someone would look at it and decide they want to use it and be able to tell me what I am doing wrong.
I've had the script in place for a while and can't get it to work. As the usage of the svn increases here, I am getting concerned about DB corruption (due to improper backup techniques).
I am working on a recovery script as well.
Jeff Cave
Sunergon Information Services, Inc.
(403) 247-1723
batch file should contain something like:
cscript backup.wsf %1 %2 c:\svnback\repo
<job id="backup">
<description>Creates a backup of the specified repository</description>
<unnamed name="repopath" type="string" required="true" helpstring="Full local path to the repository to be backed up." />
<unnamed name="rev" type="integer" required="true" helpstring="Last revision to backup." />
<unnamed name="backpath" type="string" required="true" helpstring="Full path to the back up directory." />
<example>Example: backup.wsf c:\svnrepo\repo1 45 c:\svnback\repo1</example>
<script language="VBScript" runat="Server">
class SVNBackup
private pPath
public repo
public sRev
public eRev
public comp
public property get path()
path = pPath
end property
public property let path(byval newPath)
dim ch
pPath = trim("" & newPath)
if(len(pPath) > 0)then
ch = right(pPath,1)
end if
if(ch <> "\")then
pPath = pPath & "\"
end if
end property
public property get fname()
fname = _
repo & "." & _
sRev & "-" & _
eRev & "." & _
' fname = fname & ".gz"
'end if
end property
public property let fname(byval newFname)
dim arrVals
dim arrRevs
arrVals = split(newFname,".")
repo = arrVals(0)
arrRevs = split(arrVals(1),"-")
if(ubound(arrvals) = 4)then
if(arrvals(4) = "gz")then
comp = true
end if
end if
sRev = arrRevs(0)
eRev = arrRevs(1)
end property
end class
<script language="VBScript">
dim pathRepo
dim pathBack
dim lastrev
dim lastbak
'*** main *******************************************************************
'* Comment this out for emailing.
'* I honestly don't know if some mail apps will try to run this
'*** main *******************************************************************
'*** Init *******************************************************************
private sub Init()
dim args
with WScript.Arguments
pathRepo = "" & .Item(0)
lastrev = "" & .Item(1)
pathBack = "" & .Item(2)
end with
if(pathBack = "")then
pathBack = pathRepo & "\backup"
end if
'just because this is our layout:
pathback = replace(pathrepo, "svnrepo", "svnback")
end sub
'*** Init *******************************************************************
'*** CreateBackup ***********************************************************
private function CreateBackup()
dim backup
dim srev
dim digits
dim targ
dim fso
dim txt
dim proc
dim sh
dim strEXE
set fso = WSCript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'make sure target exists
CreateFolder pathBack
'calculate start revision
lastrev = cint(lastrev)
digits = len("" & lastrev)
digits = replace(space(digits-1), " ", "0")
srev = "1" & digits
srev = cint(srev)
srev = "" & fix(lastrev/srev) & digits
wscript.echo("srev: " & srev)
'determine filename
set backup = new SVNBackup
with backup
.path = pathBack
.repo = "reeview"
.erev = lastrev
.srev = srev
.comp = true
'file to save as
targ = .path & .fname
'determine command line
strEXE = ""
if(.srev > 0)then
strEXE = "-r <srev>:<erev> --incremental"
end if
strEXE = "svnadmin dump <repo> " & strEXE
strEXE = replace(strEXE, "<repo>", pathRepo)
strEXE = replace(strEXE, "<srev>", .srev)
strEXE = replace(strEXE, "<erev>", .erev)
strEXE = replace(strEXE, "<targ>", "")
end if
set txt = fso.CreateTextFile(targ)
end with
'run dump
set sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set proc = sh.Exec(strEXE)
with proc
while(proc.status = 0)
' dump the stdout to file
if(not proc.stdout.atendofstream)then
txt.Write proc.stdout.readall
end if
end with
if(backup.comp = true)then
strEXE = "gzip -q9 " & targ
set proc = sh.Exec(strEXE)
with proc
while(proc.status = 0)
end with
end if
set proc = nothing
set txt = nothing
set fso = nothing
set sh = nothing
set backup = nothing
end function
'*** CreateBackup ***********************************************************
'*** LastBackup *************************************************************
private function LastBackup()
dim fso 'as Scripting.FileSystemObject
dim dir 'as Scripting.Folder
dim f 'as Scripting.File
dim tmp
dim last
set LastBackup = nothing
set fso = new Scripting.FileSystemObject
set dir = fso.GetFolder(path)
if(dir.count = 0)then
set tmp = new SVNBackup
set last = new SVNBackup
set f = dir.items()(0)
last.fname = f.name
set f = nothing
for each f in dir
tmp.fname = f.name
if(tmp.srev > last.srev)then
last.fname = tmp.fname
end if
end if
set LastBackup = last
set last = nothing
set tmp = nothing
set dir = nothing
set fso = nothing
end function
'*** LastBackup *************************************************************
'*** CreateFolder *************************************************************
Public Sub CreateFolder(byval path)
Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim folders 'As String
Dim i 'As Long
path = "" & path
folders = Split(path, "\")
Set fs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = folders(LBound(folders))
For i = LBound(folders) + 1 To UBound(folders)
path = path & "\" & folders(i)
If (Not fs.FolderExists(path)) Then
fs.CreateFolder (path)
End If
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
'*** CreateFolder *************************************************************
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Received on Fri Jun 4 23:15:00 2004