Welcome to bash version 2.05b.0(1)-release roebourne240#1(~)$ cd /c/tmp roebourne240#1(/c/tmp)$ svn checkout file:///c:/TortoiseVersionControl/swimming/trunk swimming Checked out revision 1. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp)$ cd swimming roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ ls roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ mkdir data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add data A data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "testing" data Adding data Committed revision 2. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ mkdir child_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ mkdir meet_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn add * A child_data A meet_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn commit -m "testing again" * Adding child_data Adding meet_data Committed revision 3. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cp ~/swimming/* . cp: omitting directory `/c/usr/local/swimming/data' cp: omitting directory `/c/usr/local/swimming/documents' [exited with 1] roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ ls AppShell.py* chmpfix.py* frozen.py* screens.py* ChangeLog* client.py* meet.py* season.py* ClubSeedingManager.py* commserver.py* meet_manager.py* setup.py* Lane1.doc* config.dat* optionDB* smartarray.py* Lane2.doc* config.py* pointsclass.py* specialentry.py* Lane3.doc* convert.py* print_child.py* strptime.py* Lane4.doc* convertToJython.py* printer.py* struct.py* Lane5.doc* convertclosedates.py* printmod.py* style.py* Lane6.doc* convertroll.py* qual_screen.py* swim_time.py* ProgressBar.py* converttoseason.py* qualarray.py* swimcalculatepoints.py* Singleton.py* data/ qualification.py* swimclub.py* admin_screens.py* data-01-Apr-2004-09-00-46.tar.gz* qualifyreport.py* swimdata.py* bootstrap.py* data-05-Apr-2004-14-36-26.tar.gz raceseeding.py* swimnumbers.py* bugreport.py* data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar record.py* swimprintpbs.py* calc_champ.py* datetype.py* recordmanagement.py* swimrecord.py* cc_exceptions.py* default_data.py* reports.py* swimsortseasonpts.py* champages.py* extractresults.py* rescue.py* swimtime.py* child.py* fastest.py* roll.py* utilities.py* childpage.py* fix_records.py* runprint.bat* verify_integrity.py* childselpage.py* fixregistrationdates.py* school.py* roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add *.py A AppShell.py A ClubSeedingManager.py A ProgressBar.py A Singleton.py A admin_screens.py A bootstrap.py A bugreport.py A calc_champ.py A cc_exceptions.py A champages.py A child.py A childpage.py A childselpage.py A chmpfix.py A client.py A commserver.py A config.py A convert.py A convertToJython.py A convertclosedates.py A convertroll.py A converttoseason.py A datetype.py A default_data.py A extractresults.py A fastest.py A fix_records.py A fixregistrationdates.py A frozen.py A meet.py A meet_manager.py A pointsclass.py A print_child.py A printer.py A printmod.py A qual_screen.py A qualarray.py A qualification.py A qualifyreport.py A raceseeding.py A record.py A recordmanagement.py A reports.py A rescue.py A roll.py A school.py A screens.py A season.py A setup.py A smartarray.py A specialentry.py A strptime.py A struct.py A style.py A swim_time.py A swimcalculatepoints.py A swimclub.py A swimdata.py A swimnumbers.py A swimprintpbs.py A swimrecord.py A swimsortseasonpts.py A swimtime.py A utilities.py A verify_integrity.py roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" *.py Adding AppShell.py Adding ClubSeedingManager.py Adding ProgressBar.py Adding Singleton.py Adding admin_screens.py Adding bootstrap.py Adding bugreport.py Adding calc_champ.py Adding cc_exceptions.py Adding champages.py Adding child.py Adding childpage.py Adding childselpage.py Adding chmpfix.py Adding client.py Adding commserver.py Adding config.py Adding convert.py Adding convertToJython.py Adding convertclosedates.py Adding convertroll.py Adding converttoseason.py Adding datetype.py Adding default_data.py Adding extractresults.py Adding fastest.py Adding fix_records.py Adding fixregistrationdates.py Adding frozen.py Adding meet.py Adding meet_manager.py Adding pointsclass.py Adding print_child.py Adding printer.py Adding printmod.py Adding qual_screen.py Adding qualarray.py Adding qualification.py Adding qualifyreport.py Adding raceseeding.py Adding record.py Adding recordmanagement.py Adding reports.py Adding rescue.py Adding roll.py Adding school.py Adding screens.py Adding season.py Adding setup.py Adding smartarray.py Adding specialentry.py Adding strptime.py Adding struct.py Adding style.py Adding swim_time.py Adding swimcalculatepoints.py Adding swimclub.py Adding swimdata.py Adding swimnumbers.py Adding swimprintpbs.py Adding swimrecord.py Adding swimsortseasonpts.py Adding swimtime.py Adding utilities.py Adding verify_integrity.py Transmitting file data ................................................................. Committed revision 4. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status ? data-05-Apr-2004-14-36-26.tar.gz ? ChangeLog ? Lane1.doc ? Lane2.doc ? Lane3.doc ? Lane4.doc ? Lane5.doc ? Lane6.doc ? data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar ? runprint.bat ? data-01-Apr-2004-09-00-46.tar.gz ? optionDB ? config.dat roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add *.doc A (bin) Lane1.doc A (bin) Lane2.doc A (bin) Lane3.doc A (bin) Lane4.doc A (bin) Lane5.doc A (bin) Lane6.doc roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" *.doc Adding (bin) Lane1.doc Adding (bin) Lane2.doc Adding (bin) Lane3.doc Adding (bin) Lane4.doc Adding (bin) Lane5.doc Adding (bin) Lane6.doc Transmitting file data ...... Committed revision 5. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add ChangeLog A ChangeLog roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" ChangeLog Adding ChangeLog Transmitting file data . Committed revision 6. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add optionDB A optionDB roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" optionDB Adding optionDB Transmitting file data . Committed revision 7. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add config.dat A config.dat roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" config.dat Adding config.dat Transmitting file data . Committed revision 8. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status ? data-05-Apr-2004-14-36-26.tar.gz ? data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar ? runprint.bat ? data-01-Apr-2004-09-00-46.tar.gz roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn add runprint.bat A runprint.bat roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit -m "Initial version" runprint.bat Adding runprint.bat Transmitting file data . Committed revision 9. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cp ~/swimming/data/* . cp: omitting directory `/c/usr/local/swimming/data/child_data' cp: omitting directory `/c/usr/local/swimming/data/meet_data' [exited with 1] roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ ls Dates RaceSeedPageValues child_data/ defaultseeddata.dat lane - 2.txt lane - 4.txt lane - 6.txt* meet_data/ MeetManager.txt Records default_data.txt lane - 1.txt lane - 3.txt lane - 5.txt* liverpool roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn add Records A Records roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn commit -m "Testing" Records Adding Records Transmitting file data . Committed revision 10. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn ls Records child_data/ meet_data/ roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ ls Dates RaceSeedPageValues child_data/ defaultseeddata.dat lane - 2.txt lane - 4.txt lane - 6.txt* meet_data/ MeetManager.txt Records default_data.txt lane - 1.txt lane - 3.txt lane - 5.txt* liverpool roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn propset svn:ignore *.txt svn: 'default_data.txt' is not under version control [exited with 1] roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn propget svn:ignore roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn propedit svn:ignore data svn: None of the environment variables SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR is set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was fo und [exited with 1] roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ export SVN_EDITOR="gnuclient" roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn propedit svn:ignore data Set new value for property 'svn:ignore' on 'data' roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn propget svn:ignore data *.txt Dates RaceSeedPageValues *.dat liverpool Entries-* roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status ? data-05-Apr-2004-14-36-26.tar.gz ? data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar ? data-01-Apr-2004-09-00-46.tar.gz ? data\svn-prop.tmp M data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ rm *.tmp roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ ls Dates RaceSeedPageValues child_data/ defaultseeddata.dat lane - 2.txt lane - 4.txt lane - 6.txt* meet_data/ MeetManager.txt Records default_data.txt lane - 1.txt lane - 3.txt lane - 5.txt* liverpool roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp)$ cd swimming roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn propedit svn:ignore . Set new value for property 'svn:ignore' on '.' roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status M . M data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ ls AppShell.py* chmpfix.py* frozen.py* screens.py* ChangeLog* client.py* meet.py* season.py* ClubSeedingManager.py* commserver.py* meet_manager.py* setup.py* Lane1.doc* config.dat* optionDB* smartarray.py* Lane2.doc* config.py* pointsclass.py* specialentry.py* Lane3.doc* convert.py* print_child.py* strptime.py* Lane4.doc* convertToJython.py* printer.py* struct.py* Lane5.doc* convertclosedates.py* printmod.py* style.py* Lane6.doc* convertroll.py* qual_screen.py* swim_time.py* ProgressBar.py* converttoseason.py* qualarray.py* swimcalculatepoints.py* Singleton.py* data/ qualification.py* swimclub.py* admin_screens.py* data-01-Apr-2004-09-00-46.tar.gz* qualifyreport.py* swimdata.py* bootstrap.py* data-05-Apr-2004-14-36-26.tar.gz raceseeding.py* swimnumbers.py* bugreport.py* data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar record.py* swimprintpbs.py* calc_champ.py* datetype.py* recordmanagement.py* swimrecord.py* cc_exceptions.py* default_data.py* reports.py* swimsortseasonpts.py* champages.py* extractresults.py* rescue.py* swimtime.py* child.py* fastest.py* roll.py* utilities.py* childpage.py* fix_records.py* runprint.bat* verify_integrity.py* childselpage.py* fixregistrationdates.py* school.py* roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ tar -xf data-06-Apr-2004-06-24-59.tar roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status M . ? data\Records M S data ? data\meet_data\NSW Metro Short Course ? data\meet_data\NSW State 12U Age Championship ? data\child_data\Amy Kandakji-Summer 2001 - 2002 ? data\child_data\Marc Williams-Summer 2001 - 2002 roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn propedit svn:ignore child_data Set new value for property 'svn:ignore' on 'child_data' roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status M . ? data\Records M S data ? data\meet_data\NSW Metro Short Course ? data\meet_data\NSW State 12U Age Championship ? data\meet_data\Conversion Constants ? data\meet_data\Cumberland Age Champ ? data\meet_data\Cumberland Championships ? data\meet_data\NSW State 12Y Under ? data\meet_data\NSW State 12U Age Championships ? data\meet_data\new meet ? data\meet_data\Australian Age Championships ? data\meet_data\Cumberland 5-8 yrs Summer Meet ? data\meet_data\Metropolitan Champs ? data\meet_data\NSW Metropolitan Championships ? data\meet_data\NSW State 13-Open Age Championship ? data\meet_data\State Age Short Course M data\child_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn status Records ? Records roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn propedit svn:ignore meet_data Set new value for property 'svn:ignore' on 'meet_data' roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status M . ? data\Records M S data ? data\meet_data\Conversion Constants ? data\meet_data\new meet ? data\meet_data\State Age Short Course M data\meet_data M data\child_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ cd data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ svn propedit svn:ignore meet_data Set new value for property 'svn:ignore' on 'meet_data' roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming/data)$ cd .. roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn status M . ? data\Records M S data ? data\meet_data\Conversion Constants M data\meet_data M data\child_data roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svn commit data Sending data svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: File not found: transaction 'd', path '/swimming/data' svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file: svn: 'c:/tmp/swimming/data/svn-commit.tmp' [exited with 1] roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$ svnserve.exe -d & [1] 3436 roebourne240#1(/c/tmp/swimming)$