> yesterday it took me an hour to setup viewcvs on our
> subversion server.
> Serverdata:
> - Debian woody-xfs
> - subversion 1.0X
> - apache2
> I installed viewcvs as described in the document.
> (I believe something with the apache-conf was
> borked,
> but was obvious and easy to fix)
> Restarted apache, wich wouldn't run because of
> "unknown python parameter"
> Installed apache2-python-2.3
> activated the module,
> then apache was set to go.
> Then I tried to edit the viewcvs.conf
> Tried prettymuch every combination of root,
> parentpath, default_repos, you
> get the picture,
> until it dawned on me that I forgot to install the
> subversion-python binding
> stuff.
> another:
> apt-get install python2.3-subversion
> and, it worked.
> Was not that hard,
> if only I had thought about installing
> apache2-python and
> python2.3-subversion in the first place.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> Else feel free to ask.
I'll try the latest mod_python again when I have time
tonight or tomorrow. The truth of the matter is
though, unless you have a lot of traffic, CGI's
performance is fine.
It might be worth while to setup a apt-rpm site for
RedHat users as subversion has a lot dependencies.
I'll think about that as well, but I'm really busy
right now.
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Received on Thu Apr 29 19:02:17 2004