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Re: SIPfoundry projects on subversion

From: Scott Lawrence <slawrence_at_pingtel.com>
Date: 2004-04-20 22:18:06 CEST

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 14:31, kfogel@collab.net wrote:

> Thanks for letting us know! We're interested in hearing about your
> experiences... Hmmm, especially if you develop any user/password
> management scripts or something, that could end up in our contrib/
> area.

One of the reasons for choosing subversion is/was the administrative
aspects. We are only supporting user access to the repositories through
apache, and are doing all authentication and access control in apache
(so repository access does not require a unix account on the server).
Anonymous access is allowed over http, and commit access requires
https. We are doing a one-to-one mapping from projects to repositories,
and each project has a group for write access and a group for
administrative access (which right now just means that they can read the
repository backups).

So far, I've integrated the user management script by Lincoln Stein [1]
to create users & groups and let people change their own passwords. The
next step is to use the email address data in that same database to
drive commit emails (one cost of commit access is getting the mail :-).

I'm actually using subversion for the content of most of the site. The
/pub area is actually a subversion working copy that's automatically
checked out by a post-commit script on a repository that only project
coordinators can access (again - no one needs an account on the server
to update /pub). The main 'www' pages are one step more sophisticated
than that - the post-commit script checks out the working copy and then
runs 'make' in it to apply an xslt transformation to the pages [2] -
that copy is visible to the maintainers (via ssl), and then an
access-controlled cgi uses rsync to copy it to the directory visible as
the main www.sipfoundry.org site.

I'm working on documenting the whole scheme and how it's configured;
I'll post a pointer when it's done.

[1] http://stein.cshl.org/~lstein/user_manage/
[2] http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/sipfoundry.org/README

Scott Lawrence        
  Pingtel Corp.   
  sip:slawrence {at} pingtel.com  
  +1.781.938.5306 x162
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Received on Tue Apr 20 22:19:47 2004

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