I haven't done this before. But you can be sure that if you need to use
ext2/3 or XFS on top of it, then it is local.
In Linux it is actually the filesystem (not the storage device) that defines
whether a file can be mmaped and provides the POSIX semantics.
If you really want to find someone that 'did it', why not try the DB mailing
list? SVN is just another DB user, as far as I can tell. And it has a much
larger user base.
Good luck.
Jan Evert
PS: be sure to let us know in the end what you found out and whether you
succeeded! Always useful for others.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gal Aviel []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:03 PM
> To: Jan Evert van Grootheest;
> Subject: RE: RE: Will subversion repository work over iSCSI
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for your reply. Interesting point about ext2/3, and yes
> the server will probably be running say redhat 9 in that case it's
> usually ext3 I believe.
> Admitadly, I don't know much about iSCSI and I was hoping for someone
> to tell me "yes I've done it and it works".
> On the surface, it makes sense that iSCSI will work, since
> it probably looks like a local device, but I was kinda hoping for
> someone to give me that extra level of comfidence, since this is
> going to host the future rnd devel. tree of the company ..
> The documentation says that the restriction on filesystem comes from
> the DB and the filesystem should implement
> - "Berkeley DB requires that the undelying filesystem implements
> strict POSIX
> locking semantics and more importantly, the ability to map files
> directoy into
> process memory"
> So if iSCSI does the above I guess I'm OK, but I don't know that yet.
> thanks - Gal.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Evert van Grootheest []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:42 PM
> To: Gal Aviel;
> Subject: RE: Will subversion repository work over iSCSI
> Gal,
> Isn't iSCSI simply a storage device (like a disk connected as SCSI)?
> In that case I'd say it counts as a local harddisk.
> If the server would be running Linux it would probably have ext2 or
> -3 or XFS as filesystem. Those are filesystems that always count as local.
> -- Jan Evert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gal Aviel []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Will subversion repository work over iSCSI
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to push subversion in my company and I'd realy
> appreciate any help ..
> We're trying to evaluate subversion here but the IT manager is abit
> worried that subversion works only over local disks since these are
> usually not a part of the company backup scheme.
> He wants the repos. to sit on our NAS, which supports
> iSCSI as well as NFS (I'm aware that the latter is not acceptable).
> So will subversion work over iSCSI ?
> We will probably take a low-cost linux x86 machine for the server (I
> plan
> to allow access to repos. only via subversion server, no local
> access).
> Any help would be greatly appreciated !
> Thanks - Gal.
> ================================
> Gal Aviel
> Chip Express (Israel) Ltd.
> Advanced Technology Center
> P.O.Box 2401, Haifa 31024 Israel
> Tel: +972-4-8550011 Ext. 272
> Fax: +972-4-8551122
> E-mail: <>
> WEB: <>
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> The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the
> World to himself. Therefore, all progress depends upon
> the unreasonable man."
> G.B. Shaw
> Man & Superman : Maxims for Revolutionists.
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