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On 14 apr 2004, at 05.39, Henderson, Michael D wrote:
> I'm doing a pilot implementation for our project. When I can
> demonstrate
> that Subversion works, well be able to dump VSS for most of our users.
> I
> was estimating the disk & tape resources that we'd need. It's not a
> large setup, initially 13 separate project directories, 4,700 files,
> 140
> megs total, so the initial repository won't be that large. But, I was
> reading chapter 5 (draft 9189 of the book) and am confused on the last
> paragraph in Repository Backup. It states that the Subversion team
> backs
> up the Subversion repository after every revision.
> It's late, and I'm new to this, so I have to ask if revision == commit?
> The usage has been pretty consistent, so I'm supposing so. Does that
> really hurt performance of the server? Is the size of the backup
> approximately the same size as the repository? Or, am I completely
> reading that wrong, and they're just backing up the newly commited
> transaction?
You are reading it wrong, they are describing a method that you could
use to create a full backup after every commit. However, they also stat
that "only the truly paranoid" would take that approach, and that a
more sane person would do incremental backups after every backup, and
complete "hot-backups" over the week end, or something like that.
You're free to decide a backup strategy for yourself. Subversion gives
you a lot of flexibility on that point.
/ Regards, David Remahl
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Received on Wed Apr 14 06:25:20 2004