On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 08:56, Brian Fallik wrote:
> I'm trying to complete a large merge. The command I'm using is :
> svn merge svn://path/to/branch/temp_windows_baselines/20031215
> svn://path/to/branch/temp_windows_baselines/20040406 .
> where my CWD is the root of a working copy of another branch.
> First, Subversion fails after only partially completing the merge with the
> message:
> svn: Working copy 'devices/Component/build/visualc/product/blah' not locked
What client OS? What server OS? What client version? What server
We need more information. What's 'svn merge' trying to do in that
directory? Can you show us an actual transcript of the merge operation?
> The one thing I notice is that "Component" is lower case in both of the
> merge paths.
Then why is it upper-case in the working copy? That might very well be
the problem.
> This error message is very cryptic, shouldn't subversion
> handle it somewhat cleaner?
Typically that error message means: "you asked me to change something
in a path that doesn't exist in the WC."
> Also it leaves my working copy in an
> inconsistent state since the merge was only partially completed.
What does 'inconsistent state' mean? If 'svn status' shows (L)ocked
directories, just run 'svn cleanup'. If you have only half a merge
applied, then just 'svn revert -R' the local mods, delete any
unversioned stuff left behind, and try the merge again.
One last side question: it looks like you're comparing the latest
version of two different branches. Are you sure that's what you really
mean to do? Typically a merge operation compares two different
revisions of the *same* branch (i.e. beginning and HEAD). Comparing the
HEAD of two different branches often results in a patch that doesn't
apply cleanly.
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Received on Tue Apr 13 16:18:18 2004