Try cating the files. You need access to everything in
and ...
I'd just do a:
chmod -R svnuser.svngroup ///home/abc/subversion/repository1
As your users create new logs you need permissions to the directory and have all the users have the *primary* group be 'svngroup'. Also your umask needs to be 'umask 02', so you may want to just set it up in the /etc/profile.
Larry Johnson wrote:
>I am a newbie to subversion. I have used cvs for years and now would like to
>use subversion. However, any user other than root and the user who initially
>created the repository are unable to do a checkout of the newly created
>repository. Here is the errors I get.
>$ svn co file:///home/abc/subversion/repository1 testrepo
>subversion/libsvn_ra_local/ra_plugin.c:161: (apr_err=180001)
>svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
>subversion/libsvn_ra_local/split_url.c:109: (apr_err=180001)
>svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/abc/subversion/repository1'
>subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c:1586: (apr_err=13)
>svn: Can't open file '/home/abc/subversion/repository1/format': Permission
>I have read the manual concerning permissions. And I believe I have them all
>set correctly to give access to multiple developers.
>Each developer using subversion is a member of the svngroup in /etc/group.
>What am I missing?????
>Thanks for any help,
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Received on Tue Apr 13 01:37:15 2004