I'm trying to get svnserve to work on windows xp (just accessing locally so
far). I suspect that it is not starting up, even though it tells me it is,
because when I try to checkout (locally) it says that it can't connect.
I've read the book and the newsgroups but I can't figure out what I'm doing
wrong. A pointer would be great.
Below is an exact log of what I have done from a clean install. I'm running
XPHome and Subsversion 1.01.
made a new repository
svnadmin create C:\a\f_repos (seemed to work: no errors, lots o new files
(1.56 meg worth)
Made a bogus code directory with some files (C:\a\f_codebase\xml\*) and
cd'ed into it
svn import file:///C:/a/f_repos -m 'yoyoyo'
Adding xml
Adding xml\book.xslt
Committed revision 1.
svnserve -i
This causes the system to display the following:
(success ( 1 2 ( ANONYMOUS ) ( edit-pipeline ) ))
make a new dir (C:\a\f_clientdir and cd to it
svncheckout http://localhost:3690
I get the following error
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/'
svn: PROPFIND of '/': could not connect to server (http://localhost:3690)
Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
p.s. If this is a duplicate email, I apologize: I tried to send mail this
morning, but I don't think it got through, as it isn't showing up in the
archive on the web.
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Received on Fri Apr 9 16:16:59 2004