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mod_authz_svn and svn cp?

From: Stuart Robertson <dogmatix_at_absolutesys.com>
Date: 2004-04-07 14:09:49 CEST

I'm running into a strange authorization problem, and I'm hoping someone
might be able to shed some light.

I have a respository with the following layout:


and I want to set things up so that only team-*members* from ProjectA have
commit-access to Project A on trunk and selected branches, (e.g.
/trunk/ProjectA and /branches/ProjectA/1.0), whilst only the team-*leader*
for ProjectA has permission to create new folders directly under
/branches/ProjectA (for example, he might want to copy /trunk/ProjectA to
/branches/ProjectA/1.1, thereby creating the 1.1 branch).

Should be simple...? That's what I thought.

Assuming Bob and Fred are team-members on ProjectA, and Bob is
project-owner, I set things up to give the team (Bob and Fred) read-write
access to /trunk/ProjectA and /branches/ProjectA/1.0, whilst only Bob has
read-write access to /branches/ProjectA, shown in the AuthzSVNAccessFile
snippet shown below:

  ProjectA_Team = bob,
  ProjectA_Owner = bob

  @ProjectA_Team = rw

  @ProjectA_Team = rw
  @ProjectA_Owner = rw

Given the above, surely Bob should be authorized to execute "svn cp
/trunk/ProjectA /branches/ProjectA/1.1", so as to create a new 1.1 branch?

In my situation, however, each time I try the above example, the SVN
command-line prompts me for new authentication information, first asking for
the password for Bob, then next asking for a new userid/password combo for
the repository. The only way I can get this to work is to grant Bob
read-write access to / (that is, to add the following two lines to the
access-control file:

  @ProjectA_Owner = rw

Then everything works fine. Only problem is, that I don't want the Project
owner to have complete read-write access to the entire repository.

Anyone have some ideas what the problem might be? Or, is this a *feature*,
effectively stating that in order to copy from /trunk/ProjectA to
/branches/ProjectA/1.1 is effectively "copying across" /, and hence
read-write access is required for /?

Any help/ideas/pointers will be greatly appreciated.


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Received on Wed Apr 7 14:11:11 2004

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