On Apr 4, 2004, at 9:36 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Apr 2004, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Sorry, you are mistaken. Subversion has no support for symlinks.
> ok, that's a little odd since, before i posted, i did a search of the
> subversion issues database and found the following:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=677
> The summary reads "support versioning of symlinks", and the description
> reads (in part):
> "Symbolic links, etc, are supported
> "Subversion will handle symbolic links ("shortcuts"), multiple hard
> links, and other special file types as long as their semantics are
> compatible with version control."
> given that this issue is dated april of 2002 (two years ago), i just
> assumed that this meant symlinks would be supported by now. since
> that's
> not the case, how does one interpret that issue i linked to? just
> curious.
A comment in 667 does mention:
"Front page now says Post-1.0."
If you visit the front page, you'll see that now it's not mentioned
whatsoever. I seem to remember it in the Post-1.0 feature-list.
Checking the change log, I can see that it was removed 6 Mar 2004 with
the comment "Remove the symbolic link plan; we don't really have one,
and don't appear to be headed toward one either." That comment should
probably go into the Issue.
That's unfortunate, that's a feature that would be really useful.
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Received on Sun Apr 4 17:33:41 2004