"Stephen Warren" <swarren@paramanet.com> writes:
> I attempted to do the following:
> svn import . "http://localhost/repos/document/System Hardware" -m xxxx
> which complained about the URI not being URI-encoded. The following fixed it:
> svn import . "http://localhost/repos/document/System%20Hardware" -m xxxx
> My question is: Why doesn't the svn client do this for me?
Because we don't want to be in the business of deciding whether or not
"url://host/repos/My%25Path" means "url://host/repos/My%25Path" or
"url://host/repos/My%2525Path". In other words, you cannot look at a
URI-ish thing and say with certainty that it has been URI-encoded
(though you can definitely say it hasn't). So the right way to deal
with the situation is to say, "Alrighty then, the user must provide to
use a properly encoded URL so there are no misunderstandings."
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Received on Wed Mar 31 03:06:39 2004