Adam Gibson wrote:
> How do most people deal with including a revision number in their apps?
> The svn:keywords Rev will not work since that is specific to that one
> file which might not have changed. The only way it would work for that
> purpose is if there was a TopLevelRev svn:keyworks property or something
> like that which always indicated the currently checked out top level
> directory revision.
You can use the svnversion tool to get the highest last-commit revision.
If you're working on windows, you can also use the SubWCRev.exe tool
TortoiseSVN uses ( It takes a file
(e.g., checks the working copy for the highest last-commit
revision and then creates an output file (e.g. version.h) where all
$WCREV$ strings in the "in" file are replaced with that revision number.
TortoiseSVN uses this tool so that the last number in the version
information represents the last-committed revision number.
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Received on Tue Mar 30 19:37:30 2004