John Peacock wrote:
>> That said, i'm not sure what the 'commonly done thing' is in
>> situations like this. I mean we can't be the first project with this
>> kind of problem...
> Dependence on externals is a well-known edge condition for CPAN. Check
> out how e.g. Tk or any of the DBD modules handle it. I suspect it is a
> matter of making the Makefile.PL more intelligent so we can throw the
> appropriate error message, _not_ so we can provide a way to build the
> external via CPAN.
Yeah, in the latest version of SVN::Log::Index I made the actual
dependency on the bindings optional (it will try to use the command line
client if it has to), but in any case the Build.PL checks for both the
bindings and the svn executable and exits with a more descriptive error
if it can't find either.
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Received on Tue Mar 30 16:45:13 2004