Steve wrote:
> If you have external items referenced, and you branch, do you
> effectively branch those externals as well? Or must you go to the
> real location of the external, branch it there, and change the
> external reference?
Externals refer to paths in the repository. If the contents of that
path change, the contents of the external change - if the actual
reference is changed, then the path it reads from is changed. They are
just properties on a directory, that makes the subversion *client* do
wonky stuff - the repository itself doesn't care.
So no, branching doesn't branch externals - or more specifically, it
doesn't branch the externals contents, but it does branch the
reference to the external - so if you change it to point somewhere
else, that's fine.
> Can you please explain what you mean here? svn switch just changes
> the working copy, and I would have to use that regardless of the
> approach I took wouldn't I?
I meant switching a single subtree to a branch. In Subversion, you
often branch more than the exact part being branched, and just switch
the subdirectory to a branch.
As an example, consider the main Subversion repository. Now, somebody
who wants to do a big change to the book, might do:
$ svn cp $REPOS/trunk $REPOS/branches/book-dev
$ svn co $REPOS/trunk
$ cd trunk/doc/book
$ svn switch $REPOS/branches/book-dev
After this, everything else, except the "doc/book" subdirectory
follows the main branch development, and that part is switched on the
branch and only follows the development made on the branch.
A similar method could be used for modules you branch, but obviously
it is only one method among many.
-- Naked
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Received on Mon Mar 29 11:50:07 2004