I encountered a problem with
versioned svn:externals .. -r<n>
if the revision of the externals is changed
svn up -r<m> fails
the first time but succeeds the second time.
(and TSVN seems to fail every time)
here is -a- simple production receipe using folders,
although the same error happens when using files:
# rmdir /s/q Repos1
# rmdir /s/q Repos2
# rmdir /s/q Work
svnadmin create Repos1
svnadmin create Repos2
svn mkdir -m "" file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA
svn mkdir -m "" file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA/extB
svn mkdir -m "" file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA/extB/extC1
svn mkdir -m "" file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA/extB/extC2
svn mkdir -m "" file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos2/dirA
mkdir Work
cd Work
svn co file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos2 .
svn propset svn:externals "ext -r3 file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA" dirA
svn ci -m ""
svn up
svn propset svn:externals "ext -r4 file:///X:/SVNSandbox/SVNChecker/Repos1/extA" dirA
svn ci -m ""
svn up
echo .
echo -- this fails with " svn: Working copy 'dirA/ext/extB' not locked "
svn up -r 2
echo .
echo -- second time it seems to work
svn up -r 2
cd ..
A search in the issue tracker for "externals" did not
show up any similar issues on the case,
but this new issue would probably also block solving
issue/feature #1258.
Any chance that this will get fixed in 1.0.2?
Or does anyone have a "better" solution to "tag" externals?
Received on Fri Mar 26 23:30:57 2004