I am trying to create a new repository and populate it from an existing
set of files and directories, and failing miserably. I create the
repository OK, but when I try to add the files by importing the 'trunk'
directory it appears to add them OK but does not create any .svn
directories in the tree, so subversion does not know that the files are
under its control. I have deleted the repository and tried from scratch
several times but to no avail.
Here is a transcript of one of my attempts:
E:\prj\Sas2Xls\trunk>svnadmin create c:\repos\sasconv
E:\prj\Sas2Xls\trunk>dir c:\repos\sasconv
Volume in drive C is Local Disk
Volume Serial Number is 0C42-9CB5
Directory of c:\repos\sasconv
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> .
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> ..
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> conf
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> dav
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> db
24/03/2004 14:10 2 format
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> hooks
24/03/2004 14:10 <DIR> locks
24/03/2004 14:10 385 README.txt
2 File(s) 387 bytes
7 Dir(s) 4,547,645,440 bytes free
E:\prj\Sas2Xls\trunk>svn -m "initial import" import . file:///c:/repos/sasconv
Adding scripts\fixUVs.py
Adding GUI.py
[lots of other file adding snipped for brevity]
Committed revision 1.
Volume in drive E is DISK4_VOL1
Volume Serial Number is 7017-86C9
Directory of E:\prj\Sas2Xls\trunk
23/03/2004 17:31 <DIR> .
23/03/2004 17:31 <DIR> ..
12/03/2004 20:52 5,642 GUI.py
14/03/2004 17:37 <DIR> scripts
[more stuff snipped, but no .svn directory]
12 File(s) 197,205 bytes
4 Dir(s) 6,288,392,192 bytes free
E:\prj\Sas2Xls\trunk>svn log GUI.py
svn: '.' is not a working copy
So what am I doing wrong?
I originally tried this with version 0.34, which I had used a few months
ago to successfully create a repository. When that did not work I upgraded
to 1.0.0. I have also tried it with the latest version of TortoiseSVN,
with the same results. I am running Windows XP Home edition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Kirby - The Developers' Coach
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Received on Wed Mar 24 18:52:35 2004