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Corrupt repository, or just incorrect usage.

From: jlm <jsado_sc3_at_earthlink.net>
Date: 2004-03-20 12:56:50 CET

I think I may have corrupted my repository, and would like to get it
fixed. Here is the situation.

I wanted to make a branch. My project files were all in the root of the
repository, so I made a directory called main (svn mkdir), and then did
a svn mv on all of the files into the directory.

I then noticed that my directories were still outside of the main
directory. I looked in them and saw that they were empty. So I did an
svn rm on one of the directories (src). It didn't seem to remove it so I
ignored it.

Then I did an svn commit and it seemed to do the commit but I got this
error at the end:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Out of date: '/main/src' in transaction 'j'
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
svn: '/home/jlm/code/gtkbonus/svn-commit.tmp'

Now, if I check out a new working copy of the repository, all of the
files are in /main. However the log does not show my comment for that
revision. The last comment is for the previous revision where I added
one file.

Also, svn log shows all actions from all versions being relative to
/main, even though that should have been version 19. On top of that, I
did an svnadmin dump -r 0:17, and when I loaded that into a new
repository, it still said /main at the beginning of all files.

So, am I SOL? It seems the best I can do is grab what I think are all of
my files, delete and recreate the repository and load them in again,
loosing history.

I'm running svn 0.37 on Gentoo Linux with kernel version 2.4.23. I am
just doing local file:/// stuff and nothing with apache and all that.


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Received on Sat Mar 20 12:57:36 2004

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