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ANNOUNCE: SVN::Push 0.02

From: Gerald Richter <richter_at_ecos.de>
Date: 2004-03-15 09:23:28 CET



has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/SVN-Push-0.02.tar.gz
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   md5: 1e75a11969ab7b35276d4861557c202b

SVN::Push is a module which let you push the content of a repoitory
or a parts of a repository to another subversion repository, using the
Ra layer. This means you can access the repositories by URL, so
it works also with remote repositories. It's also possible to specify
the revisions to push, so you need not to copy all revision and can
instead just push a cumulated revision, where necessary.

svnpush is a command line frontend for SVN::Push.

svndumpload is a command line tool which is able to replicate
a full repository to another by doing incremental dumps and loads.
It checks the revsion of the destination repsitory and
dumps only changes. One or both repositories could
be on a remote machine, in which case ssh access is necessary.
The main adavatage of svndumpload over svnpush is that it preserves
copy history.

svnsetuuid is a command line tool to set the uuid of a repostory.
This is necessary in case you want later on your working copy
with svn switch --relocate, in which case both repositories need to
have the same uuid.

=head1 NAME

svnpush - command line interface for remote Subversion repository push


% svnpush init http://hosta/path http://hostb/path
# run the actual push
% svnpush push http://hosta/path http://hostb/path


F<svnpush> push a repository to another repository or parts of a
repository to another repository



=item init B<srcurl> B<desturl>

Initialize the B<desturl> repository to be pushed from B<srcurl>.

=item check B<srcurl> B<desturl>

Check if B<desturl> repository was pushed from B<srcurl> and if it is
up to date.

=item push [options] B<srcurl> B<desturl>

Invoke the push of B<srcurl> to B<desturl>
Possible options:


=item -c --create

Initialzie B<desturl> for pushing if not already done

=item -m --message=<text>

Use <text> for B<every> commit that is done during push

=item -r --revision=<from>:<to>

Push only changes between (including) the two given revision.
Revision can also be C<HEAD> which means the newest revision in
the repository.


=item walk [options] B<srcurl> B<desturl> B<regex> B<repos1> .. B<reposN>

Invoke the push of for all reositories underneath B<srcurl> to B<desturl>
given with as B<repos1> .. B<reposN>. Only directories matching B<regex>
are replicated.

Possible options:


=item -c --create

Initialzie B<desturl> for pushing if not already done

=item -m --message=<text>

Use <text> for B<every> commit that is done during push



=head1 AUTHORS

Gerald Richter E<lt>richter@dev.ecos.deE<gt>

=head1 CREDITS

A lot of ideas and code is taken from SVN::Mirror by
Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2004 by Gerald Richter E<lt>richter@dev.ecos.deE<gt>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>

Gerald Richter ecos electronic communication services gmbh
IT-Securitylösungen * Webapplikationen mit Apache/Perl/mod_perl/Embperl

Post: Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: richter@ecos.de Voice: +49 6133 939-122
WWW: http://www.ecos.de/ Fax: +49 6133 939-333
Besuchen Sie uns auf der CeBIT (18. - 24. März 2004)
Halle 6 Stand B38-452

ECOS BB-5000 Firewall- und IT-Security Appliance: www.bb-5000.info

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Received on Mon Mar 15 09:24:03 2004

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