ANNOUNCE: SVN::Push 0.02
From: Gerald Richter <>
Date: 2004-03-15 09:23:28 CET
has entered CPAN as
file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/SVN-Push-0.02.tar.gz
SVN::Push is a module which let you push the content of a repoitory
svnpush is a command line frontend for SVN::Push.
svndumpload is a command line tool which is able to replicate
svnsetuuid is a command line tool to set the uuid of a repostory.
=head1 NAME
svnpush - command line interface for remote Subversion repository push
% svnpush init http://hosta/path http://hostb/path
F<svnpush> push a repository to another repository or parts of a
=item init B<srcurl> B<desturl>
Initialize the B<desturl> repository to be pushed from B<srcurl>.
=item check B<srcurl> B<desturl>
Check if B<desturl> repository was pushed from B<srcurl> and if it is
=item push [options] B<srcurl> B<desturl>
Invoke the push of B<srcurl> to B<desturl>
=item -c --create
Initialzie B<desturl> for pushing if not already done
=item -m --message=<text>
Use <text> for B<every> commit that is done during push
=item -r --revision=<from>:<to>
Push only changes between (including) the two given revision.
=item walk [options] B<srcurl> B<desturl> B<regex> B<repos1> .. B<reposN>
Invoke the push of for all reositories underneath B<srcurl> to B<desturl>
Possible options:
=item -c --create
Initialzie B<desturl> for pushing if not already done
=item -m --message=<text>
Use <text> for B<every> commit that is done during push
=head1 AUTHORS
Gerald Richter E<lt>richter@dev.ecos.deE<gt>
=head1 CREDITS
A lot of ideas and code is taken from SVN::Mirror by
Copyright 2004 by Gerald Richter E<lt>richter@dev.ecos.deE<gt>
See L<>
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