--On Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:00:34 +0100 Benjamin Zeiss <bnz@zeiss.net>
>>> >> > gelzi@mingus doc $ svn up
>>>> > svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/doc'
>>>> > svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/doc': Server certificate verification failed:
>>>> > issuer is not trusted (https://lowend.mine.nu)
>>>> ? Did it not prompt you about trust?
>>> No, it did not. So I tried to delete the .subversion directory in my
>>> home, in order to get back to defaults, but still not.
>> did you find a solution to this? i kinda have the same problem since i
>> tried to configure the ssl stuff yesterday (along with updating to 1.01).
> hm...i just added my server certificate to the ssl-authority-files in the
> server file and i can use the svn command line client with https now.
> strangely, according to the book i should be asked for permission when i
> try to access an untrusted host, but it doesn't. i just can't see any
> specific problem in my configuration.
i just got an email from the original author and he found the problem. the
problem is that the certificate contains german umlauts (öäüßÖÄÜß) and
subversion/neon obviously has problem handling such certificates! i have
created a new certificate for my subversion server which doesn't contain
umlauts and it indeed works now except for the fact that i can only
temporarily accept my certificate instead of permanantly.
Benjamin Zeiss
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Received on Sun Mar 14 23:23:21 2004