> >I'd like to do access control on a svn repository by simple unix group
> >permissions. I can chown and chmod the files in .../db/... but I
> >notice that extra files get created when the repository is used (named
> >log.0000000002, log.0000000003,...). Those do not get the ownership
> >and permissions of the rest of the files. Is this fixable ?
> >
> >I could ask the users to set their umask, and newgrp to the ad hoc
> >project group before using svn; and this is fine for developing on the
> >server itself, but it is impractical with svn+ssh-access.
> Use a wrapper that sets umask and does anything else required. There's
> some discussion of this here:
> http://www.contactor.se/~dast/svnusers/archive-2003-08/0548.shtml
Well, yes, I already read that -- did my google-homework -- but that
is so dirty. It can work in many cases, that is if every user of the
system is involved in at most one svn-project. Something like:
if id | grep project1 >/dev/null; then newgrp project1; umask 007; fi
if id | grep project2 >/dev/null; then newgrp project2; umask 007; fi
if id | grep project3 >/dev/null; then newgrp project3; umask 007; fi
if id | grep project4 >/dev/null; then newgrp project4; umask 007; fi
real-svnserve $*
If everyone is member of at most one project group, this works fine.
With clever programming and some conventions, I could even make it
unnecessary to change the wrapper script whenever a project is added.
But this is no real solution, this is a hack that happens to work
in many cases. Is there no better way ?
Dirk van Deun
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